Jerry is a NRA Certified Instructor for:

        *  Refuse To Be A Victim (RTBAV)

                     The Refuse To Be A Victim course is a crime prevention seminar that addresses a variety of information to help you take a pro-active role in personal safety.

       *  Range Safety Officer

                      The Basic Range Safety Officer Course is the National Rifle Association's response to the American public's need for Range Safety Officer training.  This course teaches the basic duties a Range Safety Officer performs.

       *  Home Firearm Safety

                     The Home Firearm Safety course goal is to teach the basic knowledge and skills, and to explain the attitude necessary for safe handling and storage of guns in the home.

      *  Basic Pistol

                    The NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course introduces students to the knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary for owning and using a pistol safely.  

      *  First Steps Pistol Orientation

                  The NRA FIRST Steps Pistol Orientation provides beginning shooters with an introduction to the knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary to own and use a specific pistol model safely.

    Basic Rifle

                  The NRA Basic Rifle Shooting Course introduces students to the knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary for owning and using a rifle safely.

       *  First Steps Rifle Orientation

                 The NRA FIRST Steps Rifle orientation provides beginning shooters with an introduction to the knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary to own and use a specific rifle model safely.

          ** Click on the course title to read a more thorough description